United Nations Geneva - Press Conference - Danilo Türk - Club de Madrid
On Wednesday June 22, Danilo Türk, former President of Slovenia, President of Club de Madrid and member of the UNSGs High-level Advisory Board for Effective Multilateralism, will share his reflections on the links between the war in Ukraine, multilateral peace and security mechanisms and the retreat of democracy, as well as the proposals that have come out of Club de Madrid´s recent work on this front, including reform proposals for ‘Our Common Agenda’, and ideas beyond it in response to particular global problem-sets, particularly human rights, humanitarian action, trade, and disarmament issues.
As part of Club de Madrid mission in Geneva in June, its President Danilo Türk –President of Slovenia 2007-2012 and member of the UNSGs High-level Advisory Board for Effective Multilateralism– will share –with media and with the Geneva-based UN network– his reflections on the links between the war in Ukraine, multilateral peace and security mechanisms and the retreat of democracy, as well as present proposals from Club de Madrid’s latest activities related to: - ‘Our Common Agenda’: The UN Secretary-General’s report “Our Common Agenda” calls for the organization of a World Social Summit in 2025 to address global challenges in social development, coordinate action towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, take stock of efforts to renew the social contract and possibly launch the internal, post-Agenda 2030 UN process. In this context, President Türk will focus on the main challenges the Summit should address and present his recommendations, including in his capacity as President of the Club de Madrid, which is committed to building support for the initiative and its preparatory process in view of ensuring a broad-based, networked and inclusive outcome. - UN/Multilateralism: Club de Madrid has been advocating for an inclusive, networked and effective multilateralism and has actively supported the UN75 process as well as the UNSG’s ‘Our Common Agenda’ Report by presenting its own proposals. Club de Madrid paid special attention to the multilateral architecture for peace and security, and included in its own report the need to develop and reinforce the UN’s social development pillar by holding a World Social Summit by 2025. - Rethinking Democracy: Democracy is in crisis amidst rising polarisation and authoritarianism as best reflected in the War on Ukraine. We need to take stock and identify how democracy can adapt to crises and reinforce itself as a political system that delivers. Club de Madrid has been accompanying the preparations for the Summit for Democracy by presenting its own proposals. - Global Commission on Democracies and Emergencies: Gathered Club de Madrid Members, political leaders and policy experts to analyse, based on the COVID-19 experience, how democratic systems can increase their resilience when addressing emergencies and crises situations. The Commission released its final document including recommendations to enhance democracy’s ability to function, deliver, be trusted and command the enduring commitment of citizens in the midst of emergency situations and the subsequent recovery process. - Digitalisation and Good Governance: Technology must be human-centred if it is to contribute to the advancement of Shared Societies, human rights and development.