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United Nations celebrate Cheikh Amadou Bamba Day 2023
PC Courtesy of Mamadou Dabo On July 28th, the United Nations celebrated the annual Cheikh Amadou Bamba Day with the Senegalese community....

Unleashing Sustainable Prosperity: UAE's Exemplary Journey Towards UN SDGs
By: Dr. Chaima Amari PC: Nextvoyage In the quest to achieve primary sustainable development goals and secure a balanced life with access...

An Evening of Jazz at The Turkish Embassy
PC: Neshan Naltachyan The Turkish Embassy is hosted “Ertegun Jazz Night” at the Ambassador’s residence on June 21, 2023....

The Turkish Earthquake Photo Exhibition "Disaster of the Century"
PC: Neshan Naltchayan The "Disaster of the Century" exhibition at the Congressional Rayburn House Office Building showcased a collection...

Sudan: The Fight of Two Barons
By: Khaled A. BaRahma Credit by: www.Ō.com In Sudan, a conflict has arisen between the nation's armed forces and a paramilitary...

By: Dr. Claus Mueller BETWEEN THE RAINS, Kenya 2022, a documentary co-directed by Andrew H. Brown and Moses Thuranira had its world...
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