30 Years of Bilateral Ties: The Special U.S.- Kazakhstan Relationship
The International Tax and Investment Center (ITIC)'s Energy, Growth and Security (EGS) Program, in collaboration with New Lines Institute hosted an Executive Briefing celebrating the release of ITIC's newest report, 30 Years of Bilateral Ties: The Special U.S.- Kazakhstan Relationship, authored by Dr. Ariel Cohen and Mr. James Grant. The event was held at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington D.C. on November 30th, 2021.

PC: Neshan Naltchayan
The panel focused on the strategic elements of the U.S.-Kazakhstan special relationship, namely bilateral efforts on trade and investment, non-proliferation, cooperation on Afghanistan, and counter-terror initiatives, the high-level discussion featured remarks from:
H.E. Yerzhan Ashikbayev -- Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the USA
H.E. Erzhan Kazykhan -- Special Representative of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for International Cooperation
Mr. Irfan Saeed -- Acting Deputy Coordinator for Counter Terrorism, U.S. Department of State
Ms. Zeba Reyazuddin -- Deputy Assistant Trade Representative for South and Central Asia, U.S. Trade Representative/Executive Office of the President
Dr. Ariel Cohen -- Director/Senior Fellow, Energy Growth and Security Program, ITIC
Mr. Daniel Witt -- President, ITIC
Dr. Kamran Bokhari -- Director of Analytical Development, New Lines Institute
Ms. Caroline Rose -- Head of the Power Vacuum Program and Senior Analyst, New Lines Institute
For more information, please contact jgrant@iticnet.org