Weekly News Update August 30 - September 3, 2021
Palestine: Concerned by Loss of Life & Injuries in Occupied Palestinian Territory - Security Council
United States on Afghanistan - Security Council Media Stakeout (30 August 2021)
Mike Bloomberg and UNSG António Guterres meet with G-20 Representatives to Push for Ambitious Climate Action ahead of COP26
UN Secretary-General António Guterres and his Special Envoy on Climate Ambition and Solutions, Mike Bloomberg, met with G-20 permanent representatives to discuss G-20 countries’ climate ambitions ahead of COP26, with a push to make stronger climate commitments. In his opening remarks to the group, Mike underscored the importance of G-20 countries in leading the fight to reduce emissions globally, and mentioned that Bloomberg (across Bloomberg Philanthropies and Bloomberg LP) would be stepping up to take at least one specific and unique climate action each day in support of the UN’s climate agenda leading up to COP26, starting September 1. Mike’s meeting with G-20 representatives comes at a critical time as world leaders gear up for key climate negotiations at COP26, particularly as a recent report from BloombergNEF and Bloomberg Philanthropies found that G-20 member countries have spent trillions in subsidies for fossil fuels, serving as a significant barrier for achieving Paris Agreement goals. See Mike’s tweet about the meeting here: https://twitter.com/MikeBloomberg/status/1432671157661097987?s=20