Roundtable Discussion on the Digital Age for Humanitarian Purpose Hosted by the Permanent Mission of
The Ambassador of Senegal, H.E.Ambassador Cheikh Niang hosted a panel discussion on the many different ways that NGOs and non-profits are utilizing digital and social media to promote the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The event was timed to coincide with the release of an annual Simon & Schuster book series entitled Human Liberty 2.0: Advancing Universal Rights in the Digital Age. The book series features inspiring stories of digital humanitarians – from every continent on earth – who are using digital and social media to advance fundamental human rights across boundaries of geography and culture.
One of the keynote speakers was by Matthew Daniels, JD, PhD, the author of Human Liberty 2.0, as well as Mr. Stephen Enada of Nigeria, Founder of an anti-genocide organization called the International Committee on Nigeria, and Ms. Katy Mony, the Director of Business Partnerships for Ushahidi, a Kenyan crowd-mapping NGO.
Representatives of over two dozen UN Missions attended the event and participated in the discussion including Algeria, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, South Sudan and Togo.
Among those who attended was the Permanent Representative of Egypt Ambassador Mohamed Fathi Ahmed Edrees, Ambassador Koki Muli Grignon of Kenya, Sara Trakjovska of Macedonia, Tessa Dikker of the Netherlands, Rasha Al-Katta of Canada and several other high ranking African delegates attended.
Photo Credits: Society & Diplomatic Review